My 2 cents

It's not what you don't know that kills you. It's what you don't know that you don't know that does you in!

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Location: Margaritaville, Canada

Man Law - Thoughts from the grill

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gentlemen, start your engines!

These days it seems like everyone is writting a blog. And that got me thinking; why am i so behind of the game? I always wanted a place to dump my thoughts and may be hope it sounds even the slightest bit amuzing or helpful to someone.

Now y'all might be wondering what the abbreviation AK-47 confers and if i am just one of those geeks easily fascinated with fancy names associated with a weapon.. Not really the case here! AK stands for Asim Khan, my name offcourse, and i will let you figure out the 47!

There is plenty going on around me these days. I just finished my examz and i am sitting at home thinking how i will keep from boring the hell out of myself for the next 15 days, before i enter into what would be my last year in University. Yes, it's as true as it sounds, last year at University of Toronto. And, no i don't think i am a big star, but hopefully i might end up doing your taxes or pull you out of financial trouble when you turn 20. Now that might have sounded like a callous joke to many, but lets not kid ourselves, we are all in some sort of financial trouble in our 20s. And that's discounting what your parents are willing to lend you or let you have for free, atleast in the case of many Asian parents.

Now the word Asian and it's meaning is a conundrum all in itself. My fellow chinese folks seem reluctant to give up even an inch of that word and the rest of us are just left wondering how long it will go on for. Boy, if i had a penny for everytime a chinese girl reminded me 'Asian' was just meant for them. No, lets make that a dollar!

Now you are normally expected to write a long first blog but i think i am a little more merciful than those who share that grasp. With that being said however, I assure you there will be plenty more coming from this end, because this is one AK-47 that never runs out.



Welcome to my blog. "Wawaveewa!! I hope you laaike .. it's nice .. i laaaike" (Borat)